Psalm 13:5-6 “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.”

Where do you work? 

Eastern Asia

What do you do?  

I will be teaching at a kindergarten, as well as working in a discipleship and Bible training underground school. 

Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?

Helping to build up and equip people to share their faith is really important to me. Not everyone in the world has access to biblical training, and I love to be part of a ministry that helps train nationals who are then able to go back to their home towns and villages to reach their own families and neighbors. 

When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?

I told my mother that I was going to work in Eastern Asia when I was 4 years old. 

Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?

I grew up in missions. I was born on the mission field and lived there until just before I turned 18. I learned a lot about the importance of being willing to follow God wherever he leads. I was homeschooled with my siblings; my mom would read us stories of missionaries and I was fascinated by them. I told my mother that I was going to be a missionary when I grew up, and I told her that I was going to be going to Eastern Asia as at the time it was the only place I knew persecution of faith was happening (I know differently now).

I remember praying for the country and looking for books on the country. As I got older, when we were ever in the USA on home assignment, I had the privilege of meeting missionaries from Eastern Asian and would ask them all the questions I could think of. At 15 I was able to visit the country that God had been building a great love in my heart for. I visited a second time when I was in university. I was able to move to East Asia from Fall of 2015 to the beginning of 2020. I am excited to be back to continue working in East Asia.

Have you had other occupations?  What are they?

I have had a few. I have been a teaching assistant, as well as working in the medical field as a care giver and part of the social work team at a long term and rehab facility. 

Do you have any hobbies or other interests?

I really enjoy craft things, especially paper crafting, which has been very useful at the kindergarten. I also like trying to figure out how something is made (that is crafty) and try to recreate it.

I have recently started listening to books online. When I was a child, we would listen to books via tape or CD (depending on the year) as we traveled around. In the past two years I have found a love to listening to books again, especially when I am driving around town running errands.

I have been gaining an interest in cooking and finding ways to make things that are harder to get when I am in Eastern Asia. 

Do you have a favorite sport? Favorite team?

Sports have never been a big part of my life, but I do love cheering for my 3 countries (the one I grew up in, the USA, and the one I live in, in Asia) during the Olympics. 

Where do you work?

Eastern Asia

Describe what you do.

I will be teaching at a kindergarten, as well as working in a discipleship and Bible training underground school.

Why did you choose your ministry? What led you to that ministry?

Helping to build up and equip people to share their faith is really important to me. Not everyone in the world has access to biblical training, and I love to be part of a ministry that helps train nationals who are then able to go back to their home towns and villages to reach their own families and neighbors.

When did you make the decision to serve in missions - how old were you?

I told my mother that I was going to work in Eastern Asia when I was 4 years old.

Why did you decide on serving in this way? Why missions?

I grew up in missions. I was born on the mission field and lived there until just before I turned 18. I learned a lot about the importance of being willing to fallow God wherever he leads. I was homeschooled with my siblings; my mom would read us stories of missionaries and I was fascinated by them. I told my mother that I was going to be a missionary when I grew up, and I told her that I was going to be going to Eastern Asia as at the time it was the only place I knew persecution of faith was happening (I know differently now). I remember praying for the country and looking for books on the country. As I got older, when we were ever in the USA on home assignment, I had the privilege of meeting missionaries from Eastern Asian and would ask them all the questions I could think of. At 15 I was able to visit the country that God had been building a great love in my heart for. I visited a second time when I was in university. I was able to move to East Asia from Fall of 2015 to the beginning of 2020. I am excited to be back to continue working in East Asia.

Have you had other occupations?

I have had a few. I have been a teaching assistant, as well as working in the medical field as a care giver and part of the social work team at a long term and rehab facility.

Hobbies or other interests?

I really enjoy craft things, especially paper crafting, which has been very useful at the kindergarten. I also like trying to figure out how something is made (that is crafty) and try to recreate it. I have recently started listening to books online. When I was a child, we would listen to books via tape or CD (depending on the year) as we traveled around. In the past two years I have found a love to listening to books again, especially when I am driving around town running errands. I have been gaining an interest in cooking and finding ways to make things that are harder to get when I am in Eastern Asia.

Your favorite sport? Favorite team?

Sports have never been a big part of my life, but I do love cheering for my 3 countries (the one I grew up in, the USA, and the one I live in, in Asia) during the Olympics.
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